Thursday, September 13, 2007

Microsoft sued by a chinese student

Microsoft it's one off the biggest companies in the world, but hold that title is not easy... There are always people trying to denigrate their image, this time was a Chinese student that sues Microsoft for Invasion of Privacy, he claims that "Microsoft Genuine Advantage" program collected private information from his computer instead of only verify whether the windows XP was genuine. The funny situation is that the Chinese student is demanding 1,350 yuan (180 U.S. dollars) in compensation for the invasion of privacy.
But can we say that:
  • Microsoft it's an angel;
  • The student doesn't have second intentions;
  • Many people is earning right now money with this issue;
  • Microsoft Competitors Organizations are promoting these kind of actions;
I'll let you thinking on that.

You can get more information about this sue from the links below:


Monday, September 10, 2007

Females also have Prostate..

The "O Primeiro de Janeiro", a Portuguese newspaper, have published a news regarding the female sexual organ, where they say a "prostate" makes part of it. They have a reference to a publication made by Austrian specialists in the «Journal of Sexual Medicine» .
After some google investigation I've realized that this issue is in discussion, at least, since 2000...
Nevertheless Just take a look inside ;)

Some Links: